I 100% agree with this. Especially what you said at the end: students never touch Mathchops after their test. Going up on their level challenge gives them such a high. They want to keep going. They don't want to stop. It's so much better than traditional prep. It's instant gratification for test prep. Not as instant as social media and you still have to work. But better than any Math test prep tool out there.
I 100% agree with this. Especially what you said at the end: students never touch Mathchops after their test. Going up on their level challenge gives them such a high. They want to keep going. They don't want to stop. It's so much better than traditional prep. It's instant gratification for test prep. Not as instant as social media and you still have to work. But better than any Math test prep tool out there.
I'm so glad you feel this way! This is exactly what we're going for.